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Role models in sports

can success in professional sports increase the demand for amateur sport participation?

The results show that past success of both the female and the male German national soccer teams had increased the demand for amateur soccer only slightly. However, present (hypothetical) success of the national teams considerably increases the demand for the frequency of soccer participation of already active players. The estimation of ordered logit regression models validates the constructed framework. Availability and relevance of the role models as well as similarity to the role models are the main predictors of their motivational effect.

Literatuurverwijzing: Mutter, F., & Pawlowski, T. (2014). Role models in sports: can success in professional sports increase the demand for amateur sport participation?. Sport Science Review vol. 17 (pp. 324-336)

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Kenniscentrum Sport & Bewegen MAP-TS-18-A28 Beschikbaar

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