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Contextual drivers on local sport promotion policy: a Dutch case study on the relevance of the COVID-19 pandemic (2024)

The aim of this study was to explore why and how the COVID-19 pandemic influenced local sport promotion policy in the Netherlands. The authors used a case study approach examining the Dutch context.

They studied the perspectives of Local Sport Managers (LSMs) and (coordinators of) neighbourhood sport coaches (NSCs). They applied the principles of the Multiple Streams Framework (MSF) within a socioecological model of local sport promotion policy to examine whether the COVID-19 pandemic created a ‘policy window’ for policy change and if so why.

Online questionnaires were sent to LSMs (n = 352, response 26%) and online group interviews (n = 11) were conducted with LSMs and (coordinators of) NSCs. The study revealed the COVID-19 pandemic indeed opened a ‘policy window’ and resulted in local policy changes related to the facilities and public space (hardware), organisational actors (orgware) and organised activities (software).

In most cases, this did not lead to totally new policy, but more a shift in focus. National politics as a response on the COVID-19 pandemic increased the generic awareness of the importance of sport for health. This helped in legitimising the existence of sport promotion policy for a broader purpose.

It is important for LSMs and NSCs to take advantage of this ‘policy window’ and use it to create advocacy and support for sport promotion policy over a longer period. As policy change and implementation normally take a period of multiple years, the current Dutch policy framework provides (financial) opportunities for LSMs and NSCs to follow this through.

Literatuurverwijzing: Ooms, L., & Hoekman, R.H.A. (2024). Contextual drivers on local sport promotion policy: a Dutch case study on the relevance of the COVID-19 pandemic. International journal of sport policy and politics (pp. 1-22)
