The availability of alcohol to minors in sport canteens
a study about the compliance with the Alcohol Licensing and Catering Act and the evaluation of an intervention in the canteens of amateur sports clubs in The Netherlands
The aim of this study is to evaluate a campaign to prevent alcohol use by minors in sport canteens in the Netherlands. Compliance with the Dutch Alcohol Licensing and Catering Act is measured by a questionnaire amongst bar volunteers in sport canteens and through practicing the mystery shopping method. This study could not verify the intended effect of the campaign. The campaign was recognized by half of the respondents and was appreciated. Bar volunteers reported to know the rules and to comply with the rules, but the mystery shopping measurements showed no behavioural effect. An informational campaign is not enough to increase the compliance with the age limits for selling alcoholic beverages in sport canteens in two months. A more severe maintenance policy and a better cooperation with local governments and sports federations is the way to increase the compliance.