Pedagogische kwaliteit in talenttrainingen van de KNGU
onderzoek naar de begeleiding van topturnsters en het pedagogische klimaat
This study examined the perceptions and experiences of talentcoaches of their own coaching style and educational climate in their training. The aim of this study is to develop educational criteria for determining the educational quality of the way of coaching and the educational climate in a talenttraining and to formulate concerns for the ‘Koninklijke Nederlandse Gymnastiek Unie’ (the Royal Dutch Gymnastic Union). Participants were nine talentcoaches from different girls gymnastics clubs in the Netherlands. Interviews were used to examine their perceptions of ‘The Child’s Best Interest’, becoming independent, relational aspect, care aspect and pleasure experience. An interview schedule was utilized that prompted talentcoaches responses to questions about their knowledge, their perceptions about ‘The Child’s Best Interest’, their perceptions about the role of competition, their perceptions about their own coaching style, the created educational sport environment and the relationship between trainer and gymnast. The most important core labels that are developed from the qualitative analysis of the interviews can be used as the educational criteria. The developed criteria are divided in ‘The Child’s Best Interest’, becoming independent, relational aspect, care aspect and pleasure experience. It is recommended that coach education programmes provide information that will assist coaches in the way of communicate with children. It is also recommended that the exercises should be adapted to avoid drop-outs and minimize injuries. Furthermore, it is recommended that young talents should make fewer training hours.