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Sport in public space

a reclaimed position for sport- and activity structures in the immediate living environment, a design study for Alkmaar West

Auteur(s): Eva Nicolai

Nowadays various Dutch cities have a very programmatic arrangement in which sport and activity structures often are situated at the borders of the city, along highways and railroads, as mono-functional complexes and stand-alone islands enclosed by greenery. The graduation project ‘Sport in Public Space’ is a design research that looks for ways in which sport- and activity structures can be repositioned and integrated into the direct living and working areas of the city, using Alkmaar West as a test case.

Literatuurverwijzing: Nicolai, E.A.M. (2015). Sport in public space: a reclaimed position for sport- and activity structures in the immediate living environment, a design study for Alkmaar West. Delft: Technische Universiteit Delft.
