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This is my own disease (2014)

male migrants living with HIV in the Netherlands (stageverslag) (INTERN)

Auteur(s): Stephan Twisk

This article describes the study of cases of migrants living with HIV and is intended to be a literature review on the themes that were recurrent in the cases. This article hopes to make a start in finding out what should be considered as important in developing the self-management interventions that were mentioned in the introduction of this article. Citations from the interviews will be used where appropriate to support the literature. In the final section the author will make some propositions as to further research based on both questions that arose during the writing of this article and the scarcity of literature on certain subjects.

Literatuurverwijzing: Twisk, S. (2014). This is my own disease: male migrants living with HIV in the Netherlands (stageverslag) (INTERN). Leiden: Universiteit Leiden.
