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Economic burden of physical activity-related injuries among Dutch children aged 10-12 years (INTERN) (2011)

Physical activity-related injuries are a negative side effect of participating in physical activities and result in medical costs. Injuries in children that lead to the highest costs are injuries that occurred during leisure time activities and upper extremity injuries. Intervention programs for children to prevent upper extremity injuries and leisure time activity injuries may reduce direct (i.e. health care) and indirect costs.

Literatuurverwijzing: Collard, D.C.M., Verhagen, E., Mechelen, W. van, Heymans, M., & Chinapaw, M.J.M. (2011). Economic burden of physical activity-related injuries among Dutch children aged 10-12 years (INTERN). British Journal of Sports Medicine 45 (pp. 1058-1063)
