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sportparticipatie van dove en slechthorende kinderen en adolescenten in categoraal en regulier verband
This study gained insight into the experiences of sports participation from children and adolescents who are deaf or hard-of-hearing (mean age 20.82 years). Eleven interviews with youngsters and three with parents were used for a qualitative data-analysis. Results showed that more deaf and hard-of-hearing sporters play in regular (hearing) clubs than was stated in expectations. It appeared that the trainer/coaches, teammates and the sporter had the most influence on the satisfaction of playing sports. The respondents themselves stated that their hearing impairments did not affect their drop-out but there were several barriers and adjustments that were needed when sporting regular. The most important implication for the KNDSB is to play a more active role in creating awareness among sports clubs, trainers, coaches and teammates about the barriers of hearing impaired or deaf children and adolescents during sports.