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8 publicaties gevonden

  • sporters worden uitgedaagd niet-sporters mee te nemen

    Van 19 tot en met 26 april vindt de elfde Nationale Sportweek plaats. Dit jaar heeft NOC*NSF er het thema ‘Ik neem je mee!’ aan verbonden. Een thema dat aansluit op…

    Artikel in vaktijdschrift
  • simultaneous and interactive influences of parents and friends on European schoolchildren's energy balance-related behaviours, the energy cross-sectional study

    Background: The family, and parents in particular, are considered the most important influencers regarding children’s energy-balance related behaviours (EBRBs). When children become older and gain more behavioural autonomy regarding different…

    Artikel in wetenschappelijk tijdschrift
  • a spatial analytical approach

    Despite the known health benefits, the majority of children do not meet physical activity guidelines, with past interventions to increase physical activity yielding little success. Social and friendship networks have…

    Artikel in wetenschappelijk tijdschrift
  • family and socioeconomic influences on the physical activity of 10-11 year old children

    Background: Physical activity declines as children approach puberty. Research has focussed on psychosocial, environmental, and demographic determinants. This paper explores how family and socioeconomic factors are related to children’s physical…

    Artikel in wetenschappelijk tijdschrift