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8 publicaties gevonden

  • an umbrella review of 23 health outcomes across 158 observational studies

    Objective: Physical activity (PA) has substantial benefits across a range of health outcomes. There is uncertainty about the PA-specific health effects, and in particular, the occupational domain. In this umbrella…

    Artikel in wetenschappelijk tijdschrift
  • continuous update project expert report 2018

    The main findings on cancer and physical activity are that there is strong evidence that being physically active decreases the risk of colon cancer, breast cancer (postmenopause) and endometrial cancer.…

  • a global analysis of major non-communicable diseases

    Direct health-care costs, productivity losses, and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) attributable to physical inactivity were estimated with standardised methods and the best data available for 142 countries, representing 93,2% of the…

    Artikel in wetenschappelijk tijdschrift
  • a participation wide model for England, summary report

    The aim of this research is to measure the social impact of sport in England, using the Social Return on Investment framework. The purpose of the research is to enable policy…

  • Jaarlijks krijgen meer dan 100.000 Nederlanders de diagnose kanker. Veel patiënten worstelen met fysieke en psychosociale klachten tijdens en na de oncologische behandeling. Door een spierafbrekende behandeling en inactiviteit neemt de lichaamsconditie…

    Online artikel
  • physical activity and cancer

    De Europese code tegen kanker bevat 12 aanbevelingen aan burgers om het krijgen van kanker te voorkomen. Een van de aanbevelingen is gericht op het dagelijks bewegen en het voorkomen…

    Artikel in wetenschappelijk tijdschrift
  • an ISCA / Cebr report

    The Centre for Economics and Business Research has conducted research assessing the physical and mental health costs of inactivity for Europe. The total cost to Europe’s economy from inactivity is…
