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4 publicaties gevonden

  • evaluation of activity monitors and a multidisciplinary lifestyle intervention in primary care

    Sufficient physical activity is essential for cardio-metabolic health and quality of life. Inactivity and sedentary behaviour seem to be tied inseparably to our current way of living. Promotion of physical…

  • de rol van groen in de woonomgeving

    De BeweegKuur is een leefstijlinterventie die beoogt blijvend gezonder voedings- en beweeggedrag te realiseren. Qua beweging is het de bedoeling dat de deelnemers op het eind van de BeweegKuur uitstromen…

  • a combined lifestyle intervention in the Netherlands, rationale, design and methods of a randomized controlled trial

    Improving the lifestyle of overweight and obese adults is of increasing interest in view of its role in several chronic diseases. Interventions aiming at overweight or weight-related chronic diseases suffer…

    Artikel in wetenschappelijk tijdschrift