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5 publicaties gevonden

  • the global observatory for physical activity (GoPA)

    Dit rapport bevat van 217 landen informatie over o.a. algemene informatie over het land (inwonertal, levensverwachting) aantal doodsoorzaken gerelateerd aan inactiviteit prevalentie van lichaamsbeweging, inwoners van 18 jaar en ouder…

  • a scoping review

    This study provides an updated collation of self-report sitting time globally. The daily sitting time findings should be interpreted cautiously. Sitting time data were collected in 62 of 215 countries,…

    Artikel in wetenschappelijk tijdschrift
  • a review of quantitative systematic reviews

    To increase young people’s physical activity (PA) levels it is important to understand the correlates of PA in children and adolescents. We sought to identify factors associated with children’s and…

    Artikel in wetenschappelijk tijdschrift
  • Few large studies have examined adolescents’ views about increasing their physical activity (PA) to inform PA promotion. We assessed adolescent preference for activity type, co-participants, timing and location of PA…

    Artikel in wetenschappelijk tijdschrift